Dakar city tour

If you are looking for a true insider's perspective of Dakar,we will introduce you to the most spectacular places of interest and all the highlights from an insider's viewpoint.However,it is not easy to really experience Dakar on your own. Sure you will see a whole lot but in all probability,the Dakar experience will escape you without the expertise of a knowledgeable tour Guide like myself to show you the ropes. I offer visitors to Dakar a unique opportunity to take a journey back in time in the life of our city but also I will provide them with a view and experience of Dakar that only locals would know.
A lecture about Dakar can be boring but listening to someone who really loves Dakar, that can be exciting. I am sure with the right insight and guidance,you will leave Dakar wanting more and wanting more people to visit us.
In Dakar where old is new -Hot is cool, anybody can be somebody at least for a while

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